World Breathing Day was celebrated on 11 April and is part of an initiative of the International Breathwork Association and their IBF UNECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social) special consultative status that ties into the UN Goal Development Goals. World Breathing Day is one activity  they need to demonstrate, provide evidence for and be active in doing in the field to maintain that status. The three projects that the IBF funds are:

  • Conscious Breathing in Schools
  • World Breathing Day
  • Conscious Breathing Trauma Recovery (Africa)

This years World Breathing Day hosted a number of speakers online along with practitioners worldwide hosting Breathing events. You are invited to watch and listen to the videos of the speakers below that interest you:

Breathe to be free. It’s a kind of Magic. – Geert De Vleminck

Conscious Breathwork – Tool for personal transformation and spiritual growth – Heinz Gerd Lange

Breathing Awakened Somatic, Emotional, Cognitive, and Spiritual Intelligence for … – Jessica Dibb

Respiración Consciente – Maria Alejandra Chacin Herbert

Breathe better – Live better — Silke Modersohn

Breathing for Grounding. Breathwork session – Ghislaine Bouskila

Interview with Brigitte Martin Powell by Viola Edward

Breathing together to create the new world – Rabia Hayek

Breathing for the new world – Veronique Batter

Conscious Breathing for Trauma Recovery,… tool for stress management – Brigitte Martin Powell

Learning to feel with “Essence of Breath” – Annie Langlois

Interview with Omar Chtioui by Viola Edward

Breathwork & Anxiety (with a corona bonus!) – Pippa Wheble

Meet2Breathe – Alicia Velazquez Berumen

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