In March one of the elders of Breathwork in Australia, Ahrara Bhakti passed on Ahrara Bhakti has an honoured place in the ABA Breathwork lineage.

Here are some words from Mirabai Rose:

“It is with sadness that I inform you that Ahrara Bhakti passed from our world last week. Finally in the dreaming, in rest and at peace.
Bhakti was one of the first Breathwork Trainers in Australia and birthed many practitioners/trainers who went on to form their own schools and traditions in Breathwork. We honour Bhakti as a teacher, mentor and friend.
Bhakti was surrounded by family in the precious days before her final breath and was ready to pass over. I only have one photo of Bhakti which was taken only a few years ago. I am sure many of you have your own earlier memories and shared times together with her that you may like to share too. I am personally SO grateful for the support and mentoring, and the kindness, that Bhakti gave me during intense kundalini times and my own awakening; as well as breathwork practice.
I will continue to pass forward, with love.
With loving breath, Mirabai”

Everyone in the ABA acknowledges the great contribution that Bhakti made to Breathwork and wishes her friends and family great peace and love at this time.

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